Agile Fixed vs Growth Mindset. What’s your pick?

Agile’s not just a way to do things; it’s a way to be. (and not just 9-to-5)

It’s deep in our wiring, shaping how we see change, tackle problems, and work together as individuals and teams.

To break it down, here’s how the flow works:

Our Mindset

↓ made up of

Attitudes + Beliefs + Assumptions (etc.)

↓ leads to

Subconscious Influence

↓ manifests into

Conscious Actions + Decisions

↓ influences

Interactions + Relationships (in personal and professional life)

Before adopting agile processes and tools, the recipe for success lies in adopting a growth mindset.

Have you had a moment where this mindset made a difference in your work life? I’d love to hear it.

Drop your story below. It’s great learning from each other.

My name is Viraj Kasbekar. I’m a seasoned thought leader, coach, and mentor in project management, leadership, and agile. I help businesses and professionals transform their vision into reality through value-driven project management consulting and agile coaching. I empower project professionals at all…



Viraj Kasbekar (Founder @ PMOrbit Inc.)

I help aspiring, new, seasoned project management professionals level up through career guidance and actionable insights.